Friday, March 14, 2008

Wimp or Wonder-Man?

Tomorrow Gail and I head up to Longview for the Pac Rim 24 hour run. I know I am not in shape to do 24 hours and will probably wuss out real early. Gail wants a 50K out of it, any thing else is gravy for her. I am not sure. I think 50 miles would be awesome right now in my training but even that seems a stretch. A 100k would be amazing. 24 hours would be a dream. Plus it is supposed to rain most of the time. So loop after loop looking at the nice warm car will be tough for me mentally. Wish I was in better condition so I could go at this strong. We did get a cheap motel to go crash at if we get tired and think about doing a few more laps later. Don't have any runs scheduled for about a month after this so maybe I should go for it? Well we shall find out soon enough.

Just watched the new movie out on the Bear 100. It was pretty good. Nice following of the runners. You can get it for $25 with free shipping on Amazon.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You just need to park far away so you can't see the car. : )

Re: Waldo and the refund policy: I thought about registering anyway but decided not to tempt the fates!

See you tomorrow!