Saturday, September 1, 2007

Miss that river

Rick and I ran with the Portland Marathon Clinic at Fit Right NW today. Was a nice 16 mile run on a gorgeous day on the east bank of the Willamette River down to the Sellwood Bridge then down to east 23rd street. Then we doubled back to the Sellwood and crossed over to the west side. Everyone ran nice and easy today. I used to run this course almost every week but it has probably been over 6 months. I do miss this route. No aid stations so lots of folks got caught without water bottles, so there was a mad rush to every water fountain. I am usually carrying two bottles just so that I get used to packing. Most the ultras I have run I finish at least 1.5 bottles between aid stations so I need to make sure I have enough with me.

My IT band up near my hip was talking to me today. It said "Bret you big dork! You ran fast this week and didn't even ease into to it. Therefore I am pissed off and I am going to remind you that I am here!" Yeah yeah I did do a 10k on my own this week. I wanted to see if I could still move along at a fast pace like I used to. Well yes I found out I could. Problem is I never try and run fast anymore so I tweaked the IT band. I will use the roller this week and just take it easy.

Rick, Gail and I are doing the McKenzie River 50K this Saturday. If anyone has any knowledge of this course let me know. I don't have a clue what to expect except for some great sights.


Sarah said...

McKenzie is great! Overall net elevation loss, but there is a hill in the middle. Nothing you can't handle! For the most part the trail is very runnable. You start by heading up river and then on the way back down the other side the trail is rocky and rooty in spots. So some technical spots but lots of wide, pine needle covered single track too. The last few miles are flat.

Take care of that ITB! : )

Ronda said...

Hi Bret,

Have a great time at McKenzie River. I have done that course a few times and it's beautiful, you will love it. It's a fast course, with lots of great trail. There is a section on the second half that is through the lava and slow going but just know it is short lived and soon you will be back on nice running trails. They go out fast there so pace yourself and be careful of all the Bees! I don't know why but they like black, black gloves and socks so where white. I got stung 14 times one year and it was aweful but I only got stung on the areas covered in black.

Bret said...

Sarah and Ronda, thanks for the course report on McKenzie. Didn't have much of a clue of what to expect but figured it would be pretty much downhill since it followed the river. I am looking forward to it!

Ronda how the heck did you survive 14 bee stings? That is allot of venom for anyone to handle. Good luck at Wasatch getting the Slam!